CMD is proud to be an equal opportunist business, and we’re ready to give the men in our life some jewelry love. Though our bangles and draped necklaces often end up on ladies, we’ve got some seriously stylish rings stacked upon the fingers of exceptional men. Speaking of stacks: our clients love them!
Much like my time, my heart is divided between two neighborhoods: the sunny mission, where the studio is located; and the beachside outer sunset, where I unwind at home. Both spots in this sweet city encourage artistry and originality, and I have a few neighborhood gems that keep me going with a smile on my face.
Every step of the CMD journey has been immensely rewarding, but there are certain milestones that make our heart sing oh-so proudly. Beyond being one of the most renowned places of modern design in Northern California, SFMOMA was an inaugural part in the creation of Colleen Mauer Designs.
We love nothing more than staple, can’t-live-without-it jewelry. Donning our fave pieces dailyis simply the core of CMD. Alas, over time, our sparklers get less sparkly—as all metals tend to do. Never fear, dear readers! We have the perfect, au naturale solution to DIY jewelry cleaning.
The CMD studio is buzzing as always; though it was tough to give up a precious hour of sleep last night, we are welcoming spring with open arms. Longer days for late-night beach walks, dinner at dusk, a glass of wine alfresco at 8pm… we’re swooning already.
Happy New Year from CMD! We’re so grateful for the changes and triumphs we experienced in 2014, and simply can’t wait to see what adventures lie ahead. This year we plan to discover new inspirations while staying true to our signature aesthetic.
This past weekend was the absolutely magical Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Fest in Golden Gate Park, and I feel so rejuvenated that I simply have to sing its praises. However, one cannot mention the glory of Hardly Strictly without giving due recognition to the late Warren Hellman.
These rings maintain our signature styles: mixed metals, hammered finishes, and (comfortably) squared edges, but the Densa rings are quite unique due to their size and weight. While many of our CMD pieces are known for their delicateness (all the better for layering!), these latest rings are—quite literally—dense.
My family comes in many sizes and shapes, many colors and languages. In fact, it’s not one family at all. From my large Irish family that I grew up with on the East Coast to my small, unconventional friends-turned-family here in the West, family simply means love.
As I close my eyes and think of the word “home,” I have a vivid image of the beach. Growing up on the Jersey Shore meant sand was between my toes on a regular basis. Salty air, crashing waves, screeching seagulls…these memories instantly conjure feelings of happiness, peacefulness and family.
Creating jewelry is my greatest passion, and I absolutely love doing it every day. The CMD studio is bursting with inspiration, productivity and laughter. But at the end of the workday I’m oftentimes thinking dreamily of my favorite creative outlet – cooking in my kitchen.
Our delicate chains are a modernized take on the classic tennis bracelet – distinguished, practical and eye catching. What more could a bauble-loving lady ask for? We love seeing them paired with printed tunics, solid tees, flowing skirts or an LBD.